Well, I just got reminded again of the fact that trying to release an update after working for nearly all day, when one is still under the effects of a cold can result in a few derps. It turns out that yesterday’s release was supposed to be 3.15, not 3.14.6. Things got changed in some places and not in others, so mcmod.info was reporting that the mod was 3.14.6 and internally the mod was saying that it was 3.15. Also, we missed a couple other things, such as the day after we finished updating the New Dawn API, it was updated. The missed change was causing crashes, which should be taken care of in this patch. Also, due to the late hour and my not having a written checklist for release procedures at the time, (Annysia is in the process of writing one up so I don’t goof things up again.) I forgot to do testing in dedicated server mode, and look over the forge log for any warnings/error so a small error with trying to load textures on the server got through. I have to give a grateful thanks to our team member joe12o, for getting the fix to that written up after it was reported, while I was sleeping.
Anyways here is ExtrabiomesXL 3.15.1, which should fix those issues. I am still looking forward to trying to get another balancing release in on Monday or some time later this week.
Change Log
Bug Fixes:
- Updated New Dawn API
- Fixed crash on Server due to code running that should only run on the client.
- Fixed version number in mcmod.info and previous blog post.
i will like to tell you guys, with this update that you done,right now on my community server we had 2 red cobblestone biomes explored and we made some house with them blocks and some fo the wood found in the extrabiomes,and now with this update the red cobblestone biomes disapeared the red coblestone blocks that we used on houses are gone road made out of wood slabs gone,entire biomes that we found disappear and only stone left no tree nothing
Could you pastebin us the config for you server, along with the old config file? There is nothing that should have caused the redrock blocks to disappear, unless the block id that it used some how changed. If memory servers we did not change the default, so the only way that I could see it happening is if you had a custom block id for it specified, and then it either did not copy over the old config properly, or you did not keep the old config around.
Our admin restored the world with a backup we had from morning,and all back to normal now,but when this ha-pend, trying to fix this he deleted the config file,and right now we don’t know if we ever gonna put the updated mod in
As Shecky said, it would be very helpful if you would post the information he requested on our forum thread. There were no changes to red rock at all in any updates recently.