Welcome Back!
Our team is very pleased to welcome back to EBXL, Scott Killen, whom as many of you that follow EBXL know, was part of the team for a long time. Scott retired from actively modding about a year ago, although he still continued to write hooks for Forge as well as helping behind the scenes with several mods. He was instrumental in making EBXL one of the most popular biome adding mods for Minecraft. This is in part due to the high standards he has for everything he does, as well as being an all around genuinely nice person.
It’s a shame that you can only list one person as the “author” or “creator” of the mod because EBXL is the result of team work and not any one person. We have an outstanding team of people that work together to bring EBXL to you, our players. I feel very lucky to be able to work with such a wonderful group of people.
We have many new and exciting things that will be happening in the coming weeks and months. We will be releasing 3.15.2 in the next day or two. It will contain some tweaks to flower generation as well as adding a few new plants and dyes. (A full list of changes will be posted when it is released.) It will also have a special Valentine Day present for everyone!
At this time we plan on releasing 3.16 as the last update to 1.64 before moving on to 1.7.
Author: Annysia
New Release Friday
I was hoping to get the rest of the team to write a post, as I think it’s nice to get to know the whole team as well as get their perspective on things. However, our coders, Shecky, Allaryin and Joe12o, are busy coding and our texture guy, Zenth, is busy making textures for all the new things, so you are stuck with me posting again this week. 😛
The team has been hard at work so that we can get some new content out to you all. But before we can do that we needed to do quite a bit of clean up to the code as well as some other behind the scenes things, which while not very exciting, will make EBXL much better.
That being said, we are hoping to have a little bit of new content in the release planned for this Friday. We are adding new flowers of our own, plus Zenth has worked on getting textures redone for the flowers from Forgotten Nature and More Than Just Trees mods. If you follow our blog or thread you know that many things from those 2 mods are being incorporated into EBXL.
We will also be adding in tooltips for some items. Right now, most of you are probably familiar with most of the things that EBXL adds, but with all of the new content we are going to be adding over the next few months, we thought it would help everyone learn about what different items do if we added tooltips.
This release will also include Thaumcraft 4 support as well as beta support for the New Dawn mod, and perhaps a few more things if we can get them completed in time.
We are hoping to add more content in the next release, which we are wanting to have ready within 2 or 3 weeks from the release this Friday. After that, we will see where Forge is at in regards to a stable release for 1.7 and either add some more content to 1.6.4 or release a version for 1.7.
We’re Not Dead!
We have been very busy these last few months and have added 2 more people to our team, Allaryin and Joe12o. They are both great additions to the team and have already had some fantastic ideas. While waiting for Forge to get closer to releasing a stable version so that we can update to 1.7, we are planning a couple of releases to our 1.6.4 version.
Some of the things we are hoping to put in these 2 release are:
- Tweaking support for the New Dawn mod
- Starting to implement things from FN (Forgotten Nature) and MTJT (More Than Just Trees) mods into EbXL
- Changing out our redwoods for the ones added by FN
- Adding new fir and pine trees to existing biomes
- Adding flowers from FN and MTJT
- Adding the fruit and nut trees and berry bushes from FN
- Adding food recipes utilizing the fruit, nuts and berries
- Add a couple of biomes from FN
- Helpful tool tips
- A completely new item, in it’s beta form, which will only be available in creative mode for right now as it is being tested and we work on the ideas we have to implement it fully into the game.
We are hoping that after these 2 releases, Forge will have a stable version and we can then update to 1.7 and start looking ahead to 1.8.
We have A LOT of new things coming up in the next few months. I don’t want to give away to much, but just a few of those things are:
- A contest
- New biomes
- Revamping of existing biomes
- Removal of some biomes
- An EBXL villager or 2, with their own building and possibly a quest
- Villages made out of materials found in the biome where they are located
- More trees and plants
- Add on mods that will contain such things as fantasy biomes and crops
- Terrain generation
- Much, much more!
We will also be trying to update the blog on a weekly or bi-weekly basis with information and screenshots of what we are working on. As always, we look forward to hearing ideas and feedback from our players. Please feel free to post them here on the blog or on our thread on the Minecraft forums.
EBXL 3.14.0 – Released!
EBXL 3.1.4 has now been released. This will be the last content update for v3 and we will now begin work on v4. We will continue to do bug fixes, minor tweaks and update to current Minecraft versions until v4 comes out. You can find the download here.
3.1.4 includes:
- 5 New Trees and Shrubs (Bald Cypress, Cypress, Japanese Maple, Rainbow Eucalyptus and Japanese Maple Shrub)
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Bald Cypress in Green Swamp |
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Cypress Tree and Japanese Maple Tree in a Forested Hill Biome |
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Rainbow Eucalyptus in a Extreme Jungle |
- 5 New Logs and their Planks, Slabs, Stairs
- Bald Cypress Logs (Normal, Quarter, and Elbow)
- Cypress Logs
- Japanese Maple Logs
- Rainbow Eucalyptus Logs (Normal, Quarter, and Elbow)
- Autumn Logs
- Updated and Textures
- Fir Logs, Fir Quarter Logs, Acacia Logs, and Redwood Quarter Logs
- Flowers have gotten a much needed texture and naming overhaul.
- Hydrangea – New texture
- Buttercups – New texture
- Purple flowers are now called Lavender and have a new texture.
- Calla Lilies are not only spelled correctly but actually resemble the real things.
- Autumn woods leaves and saplings now have fresh colors, and more lively textures.
- Self Planting Saplings
- All ExtrabiomesXL saplings have a chance or replanting themselves if left on the ground for to long.
- The replant rates are relative to how many saplings a tree will drop on average so larger trees with more saplings should not overpopulate the forest floor with saplings if you do not pick them up.
- The sapling replant rate is configurable via the config file, on a per tree basis. Sapling replant chance can be disabled by setting to 0% chance.
- Console Commands for Debugging and Map Making (Blog for more Details)
- The scarecrow now scares mobs away in the same fashion as an Iron Golem.
- Bug Fixes (There were quite a few that are not listed)
- Trees did not tell leaves that they were capable of supporting them, leading to massive leaf de-spawning after a block update near a tree.
- Log turner no longer skips rotations on old log types.
- Horses didn’t spawn in any of ExtrabiomesXL’s biomes. They now spawn in the Meadow, Mountain Ridge, Savanna, and Shrubland biomes.
3.14.0 Update, The last update for v3
Since it has been almost a week since we last had an update, I thought I would show off what is coming in 3.14.0, which will be the last content update to ExtrabiomesXL v3. I know that many of you are still eagerly awaiting v4 and our team is very excited about it too. We are very much looking forward to all the new content it will add, as well as using the new terrain generator which will make for much better looking worlds.
Shecky took over as lead developer right about the time that 1.6 was about to be released and he wanted to get familiar with our code first before tackling v4. So the ExtrabiomesXL team decided that we would do a small content update for v3 first, so that Shecky could get into our code and at the same time give our fans a few new things to play around with while waiting for v4.
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Legend Oak |
Shecky will be looking at the code for the Legend Oak so that it spawns only where it is suppose to spawn instead of how it is doing now, as it appears to be spawning where ever it wants to spawn. We hope to also work on it’s design and make it look more “legendary”.
Below are some screen shots of the new leaves, logs, slabs, planks, stairs, saplings and flowers. The new trees are the bald cypress tree, rainbow eucalyptus tree, Japanese maple shrub and Japanese maple tree. We have also redone the textures for the autumn forest, acacia, red wood and fir trees. Thanks to Zenth for the awesome new textures.
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These are the logs that go with the leaves in the image above. The 2 blocks in the front will be “roots” for the Rainbow Eucalyptus and the Bald Cypress. |
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These are the slabs, planks and stairs to go with the new wood. |
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These are the saplings and flowers to go with the new and re-vamped trees. |
Another exciting new thing that we have added is the ability for tree saplings to self plant. This, of course, will be something that you can turn off in the config if you don’t want this option. The chance for a sapling to self plant will be small percent, depending on if it doesn’t land on something else and that it lands on the appropriate block for it to grow.
We hope to have the update out by Friday, if everything goes as planned.